Best Free Antivirus Down

Of course, you and I know the axiom well: " Mac viruses don't exist. " The only one who constantly tries to undermine our faith in the beautiful is the Casperian, who will soon, with the hypnosis, start making Mac’s users buy a expensive and useless green box. But let's just hold on to our bloody earned and spend them on something more useful than antivirus. And if you're still afraid of your computer, I suggest you choose one of the next free antiviruses.
Avast is a completely free antivirus, which is one of the most popular antiviruses for the Windows platform, now it is also available for Mac. The antivirus protects your computer with a two-tier system. The first scans the entire system for harmful programmes and, if found, cleans the system. The second component ensures the safety of users in the Network.
Avast has a simple and intuitive interface, which makes it even more user-friendly. A copy of the benefits of this antivirus can also be added that it includes a webRep flame that is automatically integrated with browsers and warns you of the reliability of a site, and, in real time, scans every file you need to interact with.
Compatibility: OS X 10.5 and above. ♪
ClamXav is one more simple, but at least Free antivirus for your Mac. The programme could be a very simple and convenient interface, making it very easy to use. Avast, but for Mac, it'll be enough. The main thing is, with its main tasks, such as the search and disposal of viruses, this antivirus is doing great.