All Computer Antiviruses

The book " Weekly Question " helps readers to address different issues. Today, with the help of experts, we are dealing with the safety of websites:
Why don't computer antiviruses see viruses on the website?
Many webmasters and SEO specialists often try to treat contaminated sites with antiviral computer software. The situation is always typical:
The anti-virus software for computers is not always " seeing " viruses that are specially written for websites. This software has another nature. So Kaspersky and Dr. Web aren't so well able to deactivate harmful scruples that are plunged into hacked sites.
On average, only 30 to 40 per cent of the hacker php and perl crypts can be detected by disktop antivirus. The website owner, webmaster or SEO specialist is therefore at great risk by checking his website with unspecialized web-based diagnostic tools. It's enough to miss at least one hacker web silk or bakdor and the infection will happen again. Moreover, if the site is hacked and contaminated, there's a high risk of being hit by Yandex or Google.
Special services and tools should therefore be used, on a regular basis, for preventive purposes, to detect problems on the website in a timely manner.
Among effective and verified, and most importantly, free services for rapid diagnostic of web projects are recommended as follows:
Sergei, System Integrator
Differences in the definition of the virus on the site of the search system and the antivirus can be attributed to different reasons. The most common are:
1. Vulture distribution mechanisms on contaminated sites. The virus defines the browser and collects the customer ' s plates and checks them on the list of exceptions. For example, if the virus cannot contaminate the Opera browser, it can give him a clean site without its code. The search engine can't get on that list and get a viral code.
Also, the virus often delivers a contaminated site not to every client, but with some chance. Like every hundred. Such measures help to keep the virus unnoticed longer.