Antivirus Microsoft Windows 8
Comparison of free antiviruses from the test is the best. ♪ ♪.

On the basis of the test, the best figures were recorded in 360 Total Security.
But, take Windows 8 and Windows 10 into the core of the operating system, it's called the Windows Protector.
Avira and Avast are slightly behind him. Watch the details below.
But, take Windows 8 and Windows 10 into account the core of the operating system, it's called the Windows Security Essentials, so it's not entirely appropriate.
We have established the most recent security policy decisions. They were installed on virtual machines with the same parameters.
We identified the Acer Aspire medium-statistic laptop with the Windows 7 operating system, the GHz frequency and the OSS 3 GB. During the testing, we downloaded files with harmful components, and visited sites where viral and espionage scruples were launched.
In order to be objective, we're not just producing our own tests. The article uses data from known laboratories specializing in the analysis of antiviral software, AV-Comparatives and AV-Test. In general, we have similar results - you can see them in the tables below. The maximum possible score for all parameters is 100.
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Outcome evaluations
It's the best thing about 360 TS - he's clearly identified unknown threats - both those from online resources and those that have loaded, installed and launched files. Good work on Avira and Avast. Anyway, the numbers will tell us everything, look in the table.
Scan speed
And we were rejoiced by the producers from the Chinese Qihoo company. He didn't have more than three minutes to test it. The full scan was completed in 17 minutes. The second place was Panda. Comodo and Microsoft Security Essentials worked slowly.
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