Avira Download

Avira PC Cleaner is a free antiviral scanner, which can be used in conjunction with your main antivirus to prevent possible past threats
Avira PC Cleaner Avira ' s experts have been set up for users of other antiviral solutions if they have suspicion that a major antivirus could have missed a threat.
The scanner works at any PC, laptop or nuke with Windows 7 and above. PC Cleaner does not require installation or registration and does not establish any diver.
The best option for further verification is to suspend protection in real time for major antivirus. So the files won't be scanned twice. You'll have to turn the defense right after the PC Cleaner scan.
Avira specialists recommend regular scanning using PC Cleaner, no matter what security you have.
Call attention.
Avira PC Cleaner does not substitute Anti-virus programme♪ Since the scanner does not set up the driveways, services and other components that are well integrated with the operating system, it cannot provide the same level of protection as the antivirus.