Official Campus Antivirus

Kaspersky security for business
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Protection against harmful software?

The antiviral testing technologies of the Casperian Laboratories operate at different levels of the operating system, effectively removing harmful software. The Kaspersky Security Network (KSN) routine security network helps to protect users from new real-time threats.

Supported platforms: Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, Linux

Network screen?

The improved network screen protects workplaces from online threats by controlling entry and outgoing traffic on port numbers, IP addresses, traffic generation programmes, etc. With pre-defined rules for more than 250 most common programmes, there can be considerable savings in the time spent on developing a web screen.

Monitoring of programmes, devices and Web Control


Monitoring technologies for programmes and devices and the Casperian Laboratory provide a higher level of data and systems security. Through them, the IT unit can easily control the use of software, Internet and removable devices by staff.

Supported platforms: Microsoft Windows

Data digitization?

The digitization prevents the loss of data in the event of theft or loss of the device on which they are stored. To this end, both the full encryption of the disk and the encryption of selected files and folders can be used. The reliability of encryption is ensured by the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES).

File servers +Protection against harmful software?

The combination of advanced cloud and classic antiviral technologies makes it possible to secure file servers from known, unknown and complex threats. Product supports several platforms without affecting the productivity of the system.

Supported platforms: Windows, Linux, FreeBSD

Protection from the code software?

The annex prohibits the access of a car with suspicious activity to online file resources. In addition, the annex blocks encryption attempts directly on the file server.

Supported platforms: Windows Server

Control of application launch?

The regulations may permit or prohibit the launching of the completed files, violets or MSI packages, as well as the downloading of the DLL servers. This ensures the exclusive protection of file servers.

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