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Czech company Avast Software, developing a popular antivirus Avast! website antivirus.

Avast will pay $25 for each AVG stock, and the total transaction will be $1,3 billion. The company ' s merger was held by a consortium comprising Credit Suisse Securities, Jefferies and UBS Investment Bank. The AVG headquarters is located in the Netherlands, but the company was founded in Czech.

Avast will be merged with AVG for several months. The communication stated that the board of directors AVG would advise the shareholders of the company to accept the transaction.

The main purpose of the transaction is to combine products and user bases for more successful competition with strong market players such as the Casperian Laboratory or McAfee. After an AVG transaction, Avast systems are expected to service some 400 million devices, of which 160 million are smartphones, tablets and other mobile devices. Currently, the Avast Software product audience is about 230 million users.

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